Υear of Establishment: 2004
Address: 7, Αlkmanos str., Athens,
P.C.: 115 28, Greece
Τel.: + 30 210 7292344
Fax.: + 30 210 7290366
Web Site: www.hellascert.gr
e-mail: contact@hellascert.gr
HELLASCERT, is the HELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF ACCREDITED CERTIFICATION AND INSPECTION BODIES based in Greece interested in conformity assessments, operating according to the European standards ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC 17025 και ISO/IEC 17065. The aims of HELLASCERT are:
- To promote the meaning such as of “Quality”, “Inspection” and “Certification”.
- To improve the quality as well as the safety of products and services, through procedures of “Inspection” and “Certification”.
- To improve the Hellenic companies competitiveness by providing Certificates of International recognition and added value.
- To assure transparency with respect to the actions and operations of the Certification Bodies.
- To provide a forum in which consensus among regional bodies may be reached on important matters related to conformity assessment issues.
- To facilitate cooperation among members bodies.
Contact Person: Christina Kariniotaki