Υear of Establishment: 1989
Address: 118, Piraeus str., Athens,
P.C.: 118 54, Greece
Τel.: + 30 210 3470581
Fax.: + 30 210 3425326
Web Site: www.povesa.gr
e-mail: info@povesa.gr
PANHELLENIC FEDERATION OF ELEVATOR MANUFACTURERS, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPERTS is the secondary and unique Pan-Hellenic body. The offices of the Federation are in 118, Piraeus Street, on the 3rd Floor.
The Federation is aiming to claim, preserve and protect, study and promote the common economic, social and professional interests of its members in the service of the community.
Members of the Federation are the legally functioning first-rate professional organizations that have as members natural persons craftsmen, installers, elevator and maintenance experts.
Associations – Members of POVESA:
- Association of Elevator Installation and Maintenance Experts of East Central Greece and Islands
- Association of Representatives of Elevator Installation and Maintenance Experts of Northwest Greece
- Association of Licensed Elevator Installation and Maintenance Experts of Central Greece
- Association of Installation and Maintenance Experts of Peloponnese & Western Sterea Hellas
Furthermore, associations that have members craftsmen or craft companies engaged in the study or manufacture of Lifts components.
Contact Persons: Vlasopoulos P. Georgios, President Chasiotis Christos, General Secretary