Υear of Establishment: 1991
Address: 2, Troias str., Vrilissia, P.C.: 152 35, Greece
Τel.: + 30 210 6800470
Fax: + 30 210 6800476
Web Site: www.tpress.gr
e-mail: tpress@tpress.gr
TECHNOEKDOTIKI / T-PRESS was founded in 1991. It is the dominant source of information for Greece’s vast majority of technical sectors. The company has succeeded to establish landmark exhibitions based on the publications field material.
So far TECHNOEKDOTIKI / T-PRESS publishes the following magazines:
- Thermoydravlikos (www.thermoydravlikos.gr)
- Electrologos (www.electrologos.gr)
- Metadosi Ischios (www.metadosi-ischios.gr)
- Ergotaxiaka Themata (www.ergotaxiaka.gr)
- Logistics & Management (www.logistics-management.gr)
- Car & Truck (www.car-truck.gr)
- Ecotec (www.ecotec.gr)
- Ascen.tec (www.ascen-tec.gr)
- Agro.tec (www.agro-tec.gr)
And organizes the following exhibitions:
- ELEC.TEC | Electrical Equipment / Lighting / Security Systems – www.elec-tec.gr
- VERDE.TEC | Environment Technologies – www.verde-tec.gr
- ASCEN.TEC | Elevator Technologies – www.ascen-tec.gr
- ERGO.TEC | Construction Machinery – www.ergo-tec.gr
- GREEN TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS | Supply Chain, Freight Transportation – www.greentransport-logistics.gr
In 2021 TECHNOEKDOTIKI / T-PRESS launched its own channel on the WEB. T-Press WEB TV’s – www.tpresswebtv.gr – aim is to support all the sectors to which it is addressed.
Contact Person: Voula Mourta